Adam Adamus | photography
Based in Poland, 33.
I completed my MA in the international relations at the Łódź University. Right after a fascinating six-week stay in Iran I became a student of post-graduated studies on Global Development at the Warsaw University.
I worked for Polish Aid (2009-2011) and Polish National AIDS Centre (2012-2015).
My real adventure with photography began in 2006, when I received professional lessons at the Academy of Photography in Warsaw.
In 2009 I had a possibility to represent Poland in Asia-Europe Foundation’s initiative in Malaysia called “Creative Economies” where I delivered pictures related to the global economy. As few other young photographers I got a chance to share ideas with famous photographers like Shahidul Alam and Peter Bialobrzeski.
When I travel I am always amazed by human innovation, ability to adapt or to empower and fight for their rights. I process my observations through the studies & work on global development. In result, I often dare to show and explain the world through development perspective.
Development means change
The idea of this site comes from the constant change that happens in us and next to us. A man change himself rather sustainably day by day, but the change that man cause is
very different around the world.
Development has very wide meaning but here i want to refer to countries' development which generally means expansion of freedom and improving people's quality of life with regard to various factors like health, education, living conditions or human rights.
Development is a consquence of common human need to be better, to have more or better and to feel better. If someone want to prevent us from it, a natural attitude is to resist. Every revolution derives from attempts to reduce freedom of society. In this meaning development clearly links with freedom and empowerment.
There is something else very natural, which is not often understood by the people from the Western world. People, wherever they are, want to live their life (and change their life) in ordinary way. They need some sustainibilty arould themselves to build a house, buy a bike or a car and earn some decent wage to feed their children.
I come from Poland, country which had suffered a lot in last 75 years. Nowadays, when Poland is developing very fast, becoming one of the 40 countries with highest standard of living, people still are not yet confident about range of their possibilities and freedom they have.