Syrian refugees in Turkey

My short photo story from southern Turkey, June 2015:
Currently, there is about 4 millions (1,8 in Turkey) of Syrians forced to migration. As the neighbouring countries, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey take the heaviest burden of this humanitarian crisis. The overall international response for this situation, recognised by UN as the biggest humanitarian crisis since II World War, is not sufficient. Above all numbers, there is a man. Lost in the middle of sectarian war, with decreasing chance to survive. The crisis in Syria last for 4 years already and country is in ruins. People, mainly families with children, has no other way than escape. The people I've met underlined that they are very upset with their migration and if it would be possible, they would come back to their home place. They are aware of being burden for hosting countries, but presently their status can be simplified to sentence: migrate or die.!syrians/ceu7